Alexander F. Jankowski Community Center
1 Olive Street
Please call to schedule your appointment
Telephone: 732-771-2513
Hours of Operation
Monday - Friday: 9:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m.
To apply for a Perth Amboy City Identification Card (PACID) you will need:
- Proof of residency
- Proof of identification
- To be at least 14 years of age
- To make an appointment by phone
- Completed Application
Enrollment Process
Step 1: Call to make an appointment, 732-771-2513 or email [email protected]
Step 2: Submit your completed application with proper documents and form of payment in person at 339 Reade Street.
Step 3: Once the paperwork is validated, your photo will be taken.
Step 4: All of your original documents will be returned to you immediately when the enrollment process is complete. Your PACID card will be ready for pick-up within 5 (five) business days from the date of your application submission.
Types of Documents Accepted
Please click here to see the application and the 6-point system in place for validation. Note: You can apply regardless of immigration status.
- New Application adult: $20
- Youth (14 – 17 years): $7
- Seniors: $7
- Change of Card Info $7
- Lost or Stolen Card: $10
Note:ONLY Cash or Money Order will be accepted. Lost or stolen cards must be reported within 10-15 business days.
The Perth Amboy City ID (PACID) is accepted identification to:
- For access to city resources
- Access to the Perth Amboy Public Library
Frequent Asked Questions (FAQs)
Who can get a Perth Amboy City ID (PACID) Card?
- It is not necessary for all residents to have a City ID Card
- Anyone who is over the age of 14 and can provide the proper documentation and payment.
Do I have to schedule an appointment?
Yes, you may call 732-771-2513 or email [email protected] to schedule an appointment and/or for additional information.
Does my immigration status affect my eligibility to get a Perth Amboy City ID card?
No, all Perth Amboy residents of age, regardless of immigration status are eligible to receive the Perth Amboy City ID Card. The City of Perth Amboy will not ask you what your immigration status is and will not collect information on your immigration status. The card is available to all Perth Amboy residents who can establish identity and residency, as stated in the 6-point system.
Am I eligible for the card if I am on parole, on probation, or I have any pending charges or involvement with the criminal justice system?
Yes, the card is available to all Perth Amboy residents who can establish identity and residency, regardless of their past or present involvement with the criminal justice system.
How long is the Perth Amboy City ID valid for?
The Perth Amboy City ID Card will be valid for two years from the date the application is approved. This expiration date will be printed on the card.
How will I know which documents I need?
The Perth Amboy City ID program uses a point system to validate an ID. Applicants must provide four points for proof of identity and two points for proof of residency. Click here to see the 6-point system.
What can I NOT do with my card? IT DOES NOT:
- Authorize cardholders to drive.
- Authorize cardholders to purchase alcohol or tobacco products.
- Qualify for public assistance benefits.
- Travel on an airplane.
- Confer immigration status or provide work authorization.