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Perth Amboy Mayor Diaz Issues Executive Orders and Administrative Directive
Posted on 07/26/2018

PERTH AMBOY - Mayor Wilda Diaz announces the signing of five Executive Orders and an Administrative Directive in City Hall. These orders have been modeled after the Citizens' Campaign led by Harry Pozycki, who is the chairman of the Citizens' Campaign Board of Officers. The orders are effective on August 15, 2009.

"I cannot control what happens in the Federal government or the State of New Jersey. But I can influence what happens in the City of Perth Amboy. I am doing that today. I am here to announce that I have signed 5 Executive Orders and issued an Administrative Policy -- all designed to curb political corruption and improper influence in public contracting, and to encourage and protect whistleblowers who disclose or resist illegal or unethical conduct by public officials," stated Mayor Diaz in her address today.

(1) Executive Order 1-09 Limiting contributions by public contractors.

(2) Executive Order 2-09 Banning redevelopment contributions.

(3) Executive Order 3-09 Requiring contribution disclosures in zoning

(4) Executive Order 4-09 Requiring Fair and Open competition for
professional service contracts.

(5) Executive Order 5-09 Ban on gifts and gratuities.

Administrative Directive Conscientious Employee Protection Act

For more information please call: 732.826.0290 ext. 4006